Regnum Christi

young adults

if you only knew… podcast

Who is Jesus to you? Join Cathy and Cailee as they dive into the deepest relationship that you can have with God – Jesus the Bridegroom. In sharing the Truth straight from Catholic teaching, Scripture, and their own personal experience of Him as the Lover of their souls they hope to inspire other to go and discover the beauty of Christ’s intimate love.


Together, Cathy and Cailee explore topics like what is means to live in the gaze of Jesus the Bridegroom, the importance of having standards, especially in dating, and how these leads to a flourishing femininity, and even how to be mad at the Bridegroom when you’re experiencing the real frustrations of disappointment, distrust, and disbelief while waiting for God to fulfill the desires of your heart. “Regardless of your relationship status, or how well you know the faith already, Jesus the Bridegroom wants you. He is knocking at your heart, and we want to tell you that opening the door to Him is the best thing you could ever do.”


Read more about this initiative here.

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Mercy Missions

Mercy Missions Atlanta runs missions annually in Downtown Atlanta with components of formation, apostolate, team life, and prayer. Hundreds of high schoolers, college students, and young adults participate in missions every year across the Greater Atlanta Area. Constant partnership with schools, parishes, and nonprofit organizations is key to engaging young people and driving awareness of the mission. Teams consisting of missionaries and team leaders are formed to serve and take to the streets to encounter the people of Atlanta.


“Young people love a challenge, and a deeper purpose to their lives. The more we invite them into the great adventure of knowing and experiencing Christ in prayer, the more they will hunger for him. The more we help them uncover the richness, depth, and beauty of the faith by teaching it in a real and dynamic way, the more they will fall in love with it and desire to live it. And the more we challenge them to rise up and put their gifts and talents at the service of evangelizing, the more they will respond and come up with better and more creative apostolates than we could even imagine.”


Offering monthly street evangelization missions allows students to pray together, meet other college students, and learn to overcome their fear in sharing the faith.

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Holy Week Missions Calgary

Holy Week Missions 2024 in Calgary saw 60 youth registered and a total of 82 participants in the Youth Track. The youth participated in a week of activities, adoration, corporal works of mercy, street missions, liturgies and formative talks. At the end of the Easter Vigil there was a potluck dinner and dance to wind up an amazing week of coming closer to our Lord throughout his Passion. Several youth committed to deepening their relationship with Christ and to continuing monthly missions throughout the year.


In the family track, 14 families registered with a total of 60 participants. The families were commissioned on Palm Sunday and completed home activities throughout the week, finishing up with a full day Mission on Holy Saturday that included a Cross Walk and door to door missions along with games and crafts and a formative talk for the adults.


In the Young Adult Mission, 18 young adults participated in a one-day mission that included a formative talk, missionary training, street missions handing out hot chocolate and homemade cookies to those experiencing homelessness, a Cross Walk in which they collected prayer intentions, and an evening meal.


Read more about this initiative here.

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Bringing College Students Closer to Christ

The ministry of chaplaincy keeps Fr. John Klein, LC, busy; as the chaplain for the Regnum Christi young men’s section in Atlanta, he helps to facilitate monthly retreats and open yearly Spiritual Exercises for young adults and college students, and organizes monthly street missions through Mercy Missions Atlanta, an initiative that invites high school students and young adults to minister to those they meet on the streets of Atlanta.



Fr. John also serves part-time at the Georgia Institute of Technology, or Georgia Tech, one of the top ranked universities in the United States, assisting the chaplain, Fr. Branson Hipp of the diocese of Atlanta. Fr. John is a  spiritual director for the Catholic Center there, as well as an auxiliary chaplain. In this role, he helps with on-campus Masses a few times a week, attends campus retreats, and supports the Catholic student leaders especially the FOCUS Missionaries, full time young adult missionaries who strive to share the hope and joy of the Gospel on their campuses and with the world.



And for Fr. John, this invitation to mission to spread the Gospel, whether it be on campus, or on the streets of Atlanta, is key to his ministry as chaplain, and key to engaging students in their faith:



“Young people love a challenge, and a deeper purpose to their lives. The more we invite them into the great adventure of knowing and experiencing Christ in prayer, the more they will hunger for him. The more we help them uncover the richness, depth, and beauty of the faith by teaching it in a real and dynamic way, the more they will fall in love with it and desire to live it. And the more we challenge them to rise up and put their gifts and talents at the service of evangelizing, the more they will respond and come up with better and more creative apostolates than we could even imagine.”



Offering monthly street evangelization missions allows students to pray together, meet other college students, and learn to overcome their fear in sharing the faith. For Fr. John, the experiences that the students have during street evangelizations and homeless missions are always profound moments of grace.



One of the greatest needs that Fr. John witnesses of the students on campus whom he serves is a need for life-giving community, where they can be themselves, share life, and make unique memories. While most post-secondary schools offer a variety of communities, from sports teams to fraternities and sororities to special interest clubs, it is those communities that have faith as their foundation that Fr. John feels create the deepest and most fulfilling form of friendship and fellowship. “Everyone is looking for a place to belong and be fully alive,” says Fr. John. “Our campus communities should be vibrant, welcoming, and fun, and at the same time deep, challenging, Eucharistic, and real. The more a Catholic community embodies these characteristics, the more it will attract, nourish, and evangelize.”



Find out more about Mercy Missions here

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Called to Create

Called to Create is an apostolate dedicated to Catholic visual artists who desire to live their vocation to art as a response to God’s invitation to discover and share the beauty they find in creation. “The needs that are met by this apostolate are mainly the spiritual support for the artists and the camaraderie amongst like-minded artists to become or to continue to be a beacon for Christ and his Church in this society,” says Laura Kline, founder.  That spiritual support and formation is a vital part of Called to Create; members of the apostolate feel called to evangelize through their art, but know that in order to carry on this evangelistic mission, they themselves must be continually nourished by prayer and the sacraments and, importantly, as artists, by the spiritual contemplation of beauty. For this reason, Called to Create members join together in small groups for a monthly meeting that combines the key elements of prayer (such as a Gospel reflection), community, and of course, creativity.

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Spiritual Mentorship of Young Adults

Lauren began by reaching out to about 25-30 young adult women and asking them a set of questions designed to get to the heart of what key issues were important to them, what challenges they faced, what their dreams and goals were in life, and what they genuinely desired. In collectively evaluating these responses, Lauren was able to develop a theme for young adult workshops.  While these questionnaires and their enlightening responses were vital for Lauren’s practicum work, she recognized that the most gratifying part of the experience for her were the one-on-one discussions she had with each of the young women with whom she was working. “The excitement I witnessed in them as they talked about the desires of their hearts was compelling,” remembers Lauren. “Joy and light radiated from each of them as they shared how they wanted to make a difference in the world, and it was apparent that they were so grateful just to be asked and to be listened to.” Lauren began reaching out to young adults seeking guidance and spiritual mentorship. Lauren believes that young adults need – and are seeking out – the gift of spiritual mentoring now more than ever. “Mentoring is not a new idea, but it has a unique purpose for this unique time in our culture today,” says Lauren. “The world of social media and its effects speak loudly – young adults are feeling isolated and depressed. Now more than ever, authentic and real relationships are needed, and that’s a role that mentoring can play. The desire to be heard, understood, affirmed, and loved for who they are is met in the relationship of mentor and mentee.”

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A Free Lenten Cookbook: Nourishment for Body and Soul

This digital initiative out of Calgary, Alberta, Canada was originally borne from a need for connection; the Regnum Christi Calgary Women’s section longed for more activities and events that would bring its members together, even while COVID restrictions kept them apart. Since some of the Calgary teams had produced small cookbooks in the past, the Formation Team agreed that creating a larger, Lent-focused e-cookbook was a good fit, and members of the Formation Team each submitted a recipe (either original or adapted from another source). The digital cookbook includes recipes for a variety of fish and meatless dishes, like Easy Baked Salmon, Linguini with Clam Sauce, Black Bean Burgers, and Famous Carrot Soup. It also includes a prayer to say before and after meals, and quotes from Scripture and the saints.


One of the people on the board for this project was Richelle Tabelon. In 2007, Richelle settled in Calgary, Alberta, where she now resides and works as a Registered Dietitian. Throughout her career, she has provided a wide variety of nutrition counselling services in preventative health, chronic disease, and emotional eating, developing skills and a passion for working collaboratively with psychologists and physicians regarding disordered eating, anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating disorder recovery. “I have prayed for a career where I could incorporate my faith into my work, and helping support people with eating disorder recovery allowed me that opportunity,” says Richelle.


As a Registered Dietitian, Richelle has a uniquely informed perspective on the concept of Lenten fasting and abstinence; for her, it is important to recognize that these are not simply arbitrary rules to obey on specific days or during particular liturgical seasons, but an invitation to grow in faith. “I have personally been drawn back to focus on the true meaning and purpose of fasting and abstinence during Lent,” says Richelle. “I don’t want to merely ‘follow the rules,’ but utilize these gifts that the Church has provided for us to be a means of deeper spiritual growth and a more intimate relationship with Jesus.”


For this reason, Richelle underscores the importance of continually examining our underlying intentions during periods of fasting and abstinence. “It’s important to make sure that fasting isn’t about trying to lose weight,” Richelle says. “As a dietitian, I’m quite sensitive to the fact that fasting and abstinence from food is not appropriate for everyone, but there are many ways to fast during Lent without using food.”


More info 


Lenten Cookbook pdf


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Praying for Our Prodigals

Prayer, Support & Encouragement in your inbox every week.


Has your loved one lost the faith? Does talking to your loved one seem impossible? Are Church dogmas, doctrines, and difficulties too much to discuss? The whole situation can lead to feelings of brokenheartedness, anxiousness, and confusion.  No one should walk this road alone. We understand your pain. We are here to pray, encourage, and support you.


How you can pray, feel encouraged, and supported through these difficult circumstances?


1. Sign up for weekly supportive emails.
2. Fast on Fridays for the conversion of your loved ones.
3. Join others who are experiencing the same challenges.


Created by Catholics who care about other Catholics.

-More than 5000 rosaries prayed
-Five masses every week offered for prodigals in the apostolate
-Thousands of parents praying for their children

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Alex Kucera


Alex Kucera has lived in Atlanta, GA, for the last 46 years. He is one of 9 children, married to his wife Karmen, and has 3 girls, one grandson, and a granddaughter on the way. Alex joined Regnum Christi in 2007. Out of the gate, he joined the Helping Hands Medical Missions apostolate and is still participating today with the Ghana Friendship Mission.

In 2009, Alex was asked to be the Atlanta RC Renewal Coordinator for the Atlanta Locality to help the RC members with the RC renewal process. Alex became a Group Leader in 2012 for four of the Atlanta Men’s Section Teams and continues today. Running in parallel, in 2013, Alex became a Team Leader and shepherded a large team of good men.

Alex was honored to be the Atlanta Mission Coordinator between 2010 to 2022 (12 years), coordinating 5-8 Holy Week Mission teams across Georgia. He also created and coordinated missions at a parish in Athens, GA, for 9 years. Alex continues to coordinate Holy Week Missions, Advent Missions, and Monthly missions at Good Shepherd Catholic Church in Cumming, GA.

From 2016 to 2022, Alex also served as the Men’s Section Assistant in Atlanta. He loved working with the Men’s Section Director, the Legionaries, Consecrated, and Women’s Section leadership teams.

Alex is exceptionally grateful to the Legionaries, Consecrated, and many RC members who he’s journeyed shoulder to shoulder, growing his relationship with Christ and others along the way. He knows that there is only one way, that’s Christ’s Way, with others!